lundi 24 février 2014

15 days to go !!!! It's too long !!

I'm going to Auckland this saturday with Air New Zealand (Bien cher !) So definetely the last week of work. I was supposed to quit last friday but I don't know why I still work the reason is that I'm idiot !

I feel naked without my car,  where can be "Lucida" who knows !

600 $ to send my suitcase to France....      Humm NO WAY !
So I keep my caravane of 150 Kg

I'm really excited !! But not about the 9 hours of transit at Dubaï.... But I don't care I imagine the plane landing in Lyon !!!! I'll probably cry as usual :)

!!!!!!!! Faster !!!!!!!!!
skiing, cheese, bread, yoghourt, cat, yellow car, bike, skateboard and the rest :)

Just few news because I know I'm pretty quiet at the moment éh éh éh !

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