I'm going to Auckland this saturday with Air New Zealand (Bien cher !) So definetely the last week of work. I was supposed to quit last friday but I don't know why I still work the reason is that I'm idiot !
I feel naked without my car, where can be "Lucida" who knows !
600 $ to send my suitcase to France.... Humm NO WAY !
So I keep my caravane of 150 Kg
I'm really excited !! But not about the 9 hours of transit at Dubaï.... But I don't care I imagine the plane landing in Lyon !!!! I'll probably cry as usual :)
!!!!!!!! Faster !!!!!!!!!
skiing, cheese, bread, yoghourt, cat, yellow car, bike, skateboard and the rest :)
Just few news because I know I'm pretty quiet at the moment éh éh éh !